martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

8B-If something can go wrong,...


November 28th


  • 1st conditional
  • confusing verbs

Last class we worked with pages 62-63 and 140-141 8B of the Student´s book.


Study for the test!  


Links for further practice:

1st conditional-Grammar exercise
1st conditional-Grammar exercise 2

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

8C-You must be mine


November 21st


  • possessive pronouns
  • adverbs of manner 

Last class we worked with pages 64-65 and 140-141 8C of the Student´s book.


Workbook: Unit 8C
Writing: Write an ending to the story in Unit 8C (120-140 words)

Links for further practice:

Possessive pronouns-Grammar exercise
Possessive pronouns-Grammar exercise 2
How to show possession in English-Video
Thanksgiving, what is it?-Video

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

8A-I don´t know what to do


November 14th


  • Modal verbs (have to, don´t have to, must, mustn´t
  • Modifiers: a bit, incredibly, quite, really, etc.
  • Advice: should
  • Verb get

Last class we worked with pages 57, 60-61, 140 8A and 159 of the Student´s book.


Workbook: Unit 8A
Skills: pgs. 53-56

Links for extra practice:

Have to, don´t have to, must, mustn´t-Grammar exercise
Have to, don´t have to, must, mustn´t-Grammar exercise 2
Should-Grammar exercise
Should-Grammar exercise 2

Video: modal verbs (obligation)

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Being happy

October 31st


  • uses of the infinitive with to
  • uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)

Last class we worked with pages 54-55, 138-139-7B and 158 (Verb forms)
At the end of the class we listened to the song "Don´t Stop Me Now" by Queen.


Workbook: Unit 7B
Skills: pgs. 30-34 (read the phrases and do the exercises)

Links for further practice:

Choose the right option-Grammar exercise
Fill in the blanks-Grammar exercise 2
Choose the right option-Grammar exercise 3
Form the sentence-Grammar exercise 4
Common verbs followed by gerunds-Video
Common verbs followed by infinitives-Video
What is Halloween?-Video

"Don´t Stop Me Now" by Queen

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

I´ll never forget you


October 10th


  • will/won´t (decisions, offers, promises)
  • verb+back

Last class we worked with pages 46-47 of the Student´s book.
At the end of the lesson we listened to the song Reach Out I´ll Be There


Workbook: Unit 6B

Links for further practice:

Will/won´t for predictions-Grammar exercise
Will/won´t for predictions2-Grammar exercise
Decisions, offers and promises-Grammar exercise
Decisions, offers and promises2-Grammar exercise
Will vs going to-Video

Video: future, will, going to, present continuous

Song: Reach Out, I´ll Be There

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

5C-How much is too much?/Practical English "The wrong shoes"

Friday 19th


  • too, not enough
  • vocabulary: health and exercise, shopping

Last class we worked with pages 41-42 and 134-135 5C of the Student´s book.


Workbook: Unit 5C
Skills: pgs. 7-9 (reading and exercises)

Links for further practice:

Too, too much, too many, enough-Grammar exercise
Too, too much, too many, enough-Grammar exercise2

Video: Talking about prices

Video: Shopping vocabulary

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

5C-How much is too much?


Friday 12th


  • Quantifiers, too, not enough
  • Vocabulary: health and the body
  • Describing a town or city: adjectives

Last class we worked with pages 40-41 and 156 of the Student´s book.


Workbook: Unit 5C

Links for further practice:

Too, not enough-Grammar exercise
Too, not enough-Grammar exercise 2

Video: Too much, too many, enough, not enough

Video: How to write a basic paragraph

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

5B-Superlative cities


  • Superlatives

Last class we worked with pages 38-39 and 134-135 5B. At the end of the class we listened to the song "Nobody Does It Better"


Workbook: Unit 5B (page 32 Grammar)

Links for further practice:

Superlatives-Grammar exercise
Superlatives-Grammar exercise 2
Comparison ( exercise
Abbreviations-Reading (list)

Video: Using apostrophes (review)

Song "Nobody Does It Better" and clips of the film "The Spy Who Loved Me"

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

4B-Fashion and shopping/4C-Lost weekend


July 4th


  • present perfect or past simple?
  • adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
  • something, anything, nothing, etc.
  • test review

Last class we worked with units 4B and 4C of the Student´s book and we also did some review for the test.

Links for further practice:

Understanding the present perfect

Video: Adjectives -ed or -ing?
Video: Football vocabulary

Present perfect or past simple?

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

3C-What´s the word?/4A-Parents and teenagers


June 13th


  • defining relative clauses
  • paraphrasing
  • present perfect + yet, just, already
  • housework: make or do?

Last class we worked with pages 24-25/28-29 and 132-133 (3C and 4A) of the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we read the story on pages 48-49 of the Skills.


Workbook: Unit 3C and (if you can) unit 4A

Links for further practice:

Defining relative clauses-Grammar exercise
Defining relative clauses-Grammar exercise 2
Present perfect + yet, just, already-Grammar exercise
Present perfect + yet, just, already-Grammar exercise 2
Housework: make or do?-Vocabulary exercise

Video: Make or do?

Short video: yet and already in sentences

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

3B-Let´s meet again!


June 6th


  • present continuous (future arrangements)
  • verbs + prepositions

Last class we worked with pages 22-23 and 130-131 3B of the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we talked about the article "Brilliant minds linked to autism" (Skills pgs. 20-21)


Workbook: Unit 3B

Links for further practice:

Present continuous/going to-Grammar exercise
Present continuous/going to-Grammar exercise 2
Correct the mistake-Grammar and vocabulary exercise

Video: Sheldon and Asperger´s Syndrome

Video: Silent T

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

3A-Plans and dreams


May 30th


  • be going to (plans and predictions)
  • the date
  • vocabulary: airports
  • prepositions: at, in, on 

Last class we worked with pages 20-21, 130-131 3A of the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we listened to the song "This is the Life"


Workbook: Unit 3A
Student´s book: pgs. 18-19 (Review units 1&2)

Links for further practice:

Be going to-Grammar exercise
Be going to-Grammar exercise 2
The date-Vocabulary exercise
Travel vocabulary-Video
Song "This is the Life"-Video and exercise

Video: Airport vocabulary

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

2C-One dark October evening


May 23rd


  • Past continuous
  • time sequencers and connectors: because, so, but, although, after that, etc.
  • pronunciation
  • prepositions of time and place: at, in, on

Last class we worked with pages 14 and 153 (prepositions), unit 2C (pgs. 16-17) and pages 128-129 2C in the Student´s book, then we listened to the song "Blue as your eyes"
At the end of the class we discussed the short story The Open Window.


Workbook: page 14 (Unit 2B) and Unit 2C
Writing: write a new ending to the story One dark October evening (120-140 words) Student´s book, page 16.

Links for further practice:

Connectors but, although, so, because-Grammar exercise
Connectors but, although, so, because-Grammar exercise 2
How to pronounce p, b, f, v in English-Video

The Open Window by Saki

Song: "Bue as your eyes" (with lyrics)

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

2B-The story behind the photo


Reading: The story behind Abbey Road photograph

May 16th


  • Past continuous
  • Describing pictures

Last class we worked with pages 14-15 (reading, grammar and listening) and 128-129 2B from the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we did a speaking exercise about fake photographs.


Workbook: Unit 2B, page 13
Skills: read pages 11-14 (Short story "The Open Window") and answer the After reading questions.

Links for further practice:

Past continuous-Grammar exercise
Past continuous or past simple?-Grammar exercise
Past continuous or past simple?-Grammar exercise 2
Stress monsters-Pronunciation game
How to remember vocabulary-Video

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

2A-Right place, wrong person (cont.)


May 9th


  • Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)
  • Subject/object questions

Last class we continued working with pages 12 and 13 from the Student´s book. We also had a mini oral and written exam. At the end of the class we discussed Murasaki Shikibu´s biography (Skills book pages 7-8)


Workbook: Unit 2A

Links for further practice:

Common irregular verbs grouped
Past simple-regular and irregular verbs-Grammar exercise
Past simple-signal words-Grammar exercise
Subject/object questions-Video
Subject/object questions-Grammar exercise

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Hotel problems/9A-Right place, wrong person


April 25th


  • hotel problems
  • will for offers
  • past simple: regular and irregular verbs
  • vocabulary: holidays

Last class we worked with pages 10, 11, 12 and 13 (Grammar a)
At the end of the class we read the article The place is perfect, the weather is wonderful... on page 12 and we did exercise a (Grammar) on page 13


Student´s book: p. 129 2A exercises a and b
Workbook: Practical English-Hotel Problems and Unit 2A
Skills: pgs. 7 and 8 (After reading questions and Focus on Vocabulary)

Links for further practice:

Past simple-Grammar exercise
Past simple-Grammar exercise 2
Practical English-Calling reception
Past simple negation-Grammar exercise
Past simple affirmations and questions-Grammar exercise
Past simple-Test

Video: How to improve your listening skills

viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

1C-Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy


April 11th


  • Present continuous
  • Clothes
  • Prepositions of place

Last class we worked with pages 8-9 and 126-127 1C from the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we did exercise a (page 9,Vocabulary-prepositions of place) and then we described some pictures (check out box Speaking Describe a picture on the same page)


Student´s book: page 127 1C exercise a
Workbook: Unit 1C

Links for further practice:

Present continuous-Grammar exercise
Present continuous-Grammar exercise 2
Simple present or present continuous?-Grammar exercise
Present continuous, questions-Grammar exercise
Prepositions of place-Grammar exercise

Video: live, life, alive and living

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

1B-Charlotte´s choice


April 4th


  • Present simple
  • Describing people (appearance and personality)

Last class we worked with pages 6-7 and 126-127 1B from the Student´s book.
At the end of the class we listened to the song "Ugly" by The Sugababes.
Here is the link to the song and lyrics:


Workbook: Unit 1B
Student´s Book: page 127 1B exercise b

Links for further practice:

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

1A-Where are you from?


March 28th

  • Word order in questions (simple present and simple past)
  • Personal information
  • Numbers
We worked with pages 4-5 and 126-127 1A (Student´s book)

Useful vocabulary

Computer symbols (source: Cork English Teacher-Facebook)

American and British English


Workbook: Unit 1A

Links for further practice:
